IPM Planning and Evaluation

farm with barn photo What defines a successful integrated pest management (IPM) program? How can we develop programs that will achieve our IPM goals? And how do we assess the true worth of an IPM program? These questions can be answered by careful planning and by conducting a program evaluation. This website includes resources that can help you plan an IPM program that you will be able to evaluate, so that you can determine its value.

Why is evaluation of IPM programs important?

What is the relationship between planning and evaluation?

This site contains 14 detailed examples of planning and evaluation models (also called logic models) to illustrate the relationships among desired

Each example includes possible measures that can help you know how well you have achieved each short-, intermediate-, and long-term impact.

The links below provide examples of impacts and possible measures in different interest areas.

Production Agriculture
Residential and Public Areas
Natural Resources and Recreational Lands

Indoor pesticide use

Outdoor pesticide use

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This website is maintained by the Southern IPM Center, supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture.